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Apartment Building

No matter if you own rental properties for investment purposes or are a member of a board that represents the interests of your homeowner association or condo association, we understand the risks that are involved when there are duties placed on you that could negatively impact your bottom line. We address issues that go beyond the Property and General Liability aspects of operating clubhouses and swimming pool facilities. We concentrate on educating a board or property management team on the insurance risks associated with managing properties and having the correct coverage for the decisions being made. Many times, we find that someone has not taken the time with the board to explain Directors and Officers coverage. I encourage you to check out the section of our website that addresses this coverage specifically. It is definitely an eye opener! In fact, if you would like this type of a partner working with you, call Carolina Insurance Solutions (CIS) for an appointment.

We offer this service free of charge to those who have not had the experience of an agent sitting with the board and explaining why D & O coverage is so important. Personal assets are not always protected by the Safe harbor laws enacted for volunteers or board members as many like to believe is the case. Many times our discussions lead to discussion about the need of Personal Umbrella policies for each and every board member. We feel strongly that this is an underserved area and we want to correct it. Yes, it is important to have competitive pricing on the property and liability insurance, as we are confident that we can offer that aspect to any proposal. However, a discussion with board members as to their responsibilities to the association is critical in protecting the assets that they have been put in charge to manage. The board members have a vested interest in this as do the non-board members.


Regardless if your business is a shopping center, strip center, residential and/or commercial complex, apartment building or a high rise condominium structure, we have the markets that can address water –sewer backup issues, ordinance or law issues or even those requirements in your by-laws that state you need $5,000,000 to $10,000,000 extra layers of liability insurance. We have the products to offer! We even have the ability to structure your Commercial Umbrella so that it extends over your Directors and Officers coverage. Property management firms – your need for Professional Liability coverages also require an experienced partner to avoid the gaps that so often happens when coordinating this with your General Liability coverages. Call on us today!

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